Alright so I am going to blog about this again. Seriously, this is the only perfume I wear now a days. I guess its the perk of my dad being the district manager for all the stores here in Utah. But I am beginning to think it really is boy repellent more and more each day.
And here is why! Another one of these episodes I seem to have now a days with different boys.
So I am heading to work and I pull into the mall parking lot....I had a few minutes to kill and so I was just listening to some music and checking my facebook from my phone, When I hear this knock on my window. It scared me half to death but I was surprised to see it was a cute boy and so I rolled down my window and he asked me if he could use my car to jump his. So I said sure and drove a few feet to where his car was. So he hooks everything up and I get out and we start a really nice conversation. I find out what his name is and what he is going to school for and where he is from and he asks me the same questions. Needless to say his car would not start and I needed to head into work. He called his roommates or friends or whatever and then he kinda stared at me awkwardly and so I said good luck. He said thanks and then looked at me like he wanted to ask me for my number. I have come to the conclusion that I don't ask them for their numbers because if they are not man enough then they do not deserve my number. I gave him all the signals and said I will see you around and hope to see you again soon.....and still nothing! Oh well his loss!
But seriously maybe it is the perfume.....but then again I still don't look like this!
Or this....
So....I just do not see what the problem is. I will continue to put the perfume to the test! One day it will work out to my advantage and then my view will change on the whole issue!
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