Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A day in the life of me!

Well for those of you who may know me, know that I have this insane ability of making people say wow! And as I've gone through life I have had many embarrassing experiences! Whether its dumping a slurpee on the floor of the 7-eleven, getting my pants stuck in the door way at school, tripping and falling down, you name it its most likely happened to me! Well today was one of those wow moments!

I had a job interview today, so I got all ready and I looked awesome! Some headed to the job interview and everything went awesome! So I drove home and walked in the door and found my mother. I started telling her about it and then she looks at me and goes"Evie your shirt is wide open! Did you know?" And then I looked down and said "it is!" And not only was it unbuttoned but the button fell off. I'm not sure when it exactly happened but what can I say! I'm not sure if I got the job for my skills or the fact that I may have flashed the doctor! We laughed so hard! I'm sure if it was like that for the interview, they must have died laughing after I left!

Well that's just another one of these experiences to add to my long list! As my family would say I just pulled another Evie! I sure did but hey look on the bright side, my life is never boring!

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