Saturday, December 15, 2012

Celebrating Christmas Country Style!

Today was a very awesome day! I was able to go to the local theatre today and I was able to attend the Bar J Wranglers Country Christmas show! If you have never heard of them I will fill you in on who they are.

The Bar J Wranglers are a famous group of men who come from Jackson Hole Wyoming. They sing old country songs and play a lot of different instruments. At their shows they often sings and tell jokes that have everyone in the theater laughing. They have many different songs and they are very talented at playing things like the banjo and the fiddle and they have many talented singers. In Jackson Hole they have a dinner place called the Bar J Chuckwagon, where you are able to eat and then they put on a show every night during the summer. I am so dying to go and eat and enjoy the show again.

Here is some of their goodness so that you can see it for yourself!

Here are some pics that I took before the show started!
That's right....I did go all out and wear my cowboy boots!

Me and the Mother just chilling before the show starts!

All in all it was a very enjoyable show and gave me something to do for a few hours. It really got me in the mood for christmas coming up. They did some really awesome country renditions of the christmas carols! It was awesome!

To top the day off I also got to babysit my nephew Cavin! His parents went out on a date so we were able to play and have some fun!

Here is a picture of us!

So I guess the next show that I am going to see is Drumline Live! Here is a video of them to get you all excited!

Can't wait honestly! It will be such a great show!

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