Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jump Zone Fun!

Another fun thing to do here in Logan is to go to the Trampoline Park or the Jump Zone. This place is fairly new and so much fun. Basically it is a place filled with trampolines from floor to the walls. They have a kid zone and a dodgeball/volleyball place/ and then a foam pit where you can do flips and not have to worry about hurting yourself. They also have a place where you can dunk and then just a bunch of trampolines and different ramps and things.

My cousins are really into gymnastics and things so this was what they wanted to do while they were here. In fact we are going back today! Which I have no problem with at all.

I am not very good at flips and things but I enjoyed jumping. In fact it is the first time I have been able to jump since my surgery back in July. I had so much fun! It is a great work out in case you were wondering.

Well instead of boring you with more typing I am going to post pictures of all of our family enjoying our time!

 Cavin had so much fun! 
 My dad just enjoying himself!
 Me, Cavin, Mom

 My brother Marcus

 Holly....looking good!

 Me just being me!
 Im so good I can flip sideways!
 Nice flip Jess!
 Is that good Cavin?
Great uncle and nephew love.
 Me and Kaden!
 I love you dad!
 Cousin Bradley (Boo)
 Cousin Dominic (Doo)
My brother Jeffry!

As you can see we all had so much fun! We are definitely going to go more often!

Christmas 2012!

Well, this Christmas I was home and able to enjoy all of the fun with my family! Not that I didn't miss having Christmas in Texas! For the past two weeks, My oldest brother Jeffry and his wife Holly and my cute nephew Kaden have been here! It has been so much fun hanging out with them and enjoying all of the holiday traditions my family has. We have been able to go shopping for last minute christmas gifts and just hang out and play rock band and just talk. Holly has been a gem and does girl things with me since I only have brothers....I have to enjoy that anywhere I can get it right?!

Christmas is definitely one of my favorite holidays so I enjoy being able to enjoy family time. Especially when I get to play with my nephews! It has been so much fun playing with Kaden every morning. We share lucky charms and just sit together! He even knows how to say my name. Its pretty awesome.

Here is us:

We have also jumped on my bed and a lot of other fun things. He always seems to find my bed and continue to jump....

He is just the cutest!

One of our holiday traditions is opening a pair of pajamas on Christmas eve. So that when we wake up we look all cozy and nice. It has become one of my favorite traditions and especially this year since I received a pajama outfit. 

Arn't we so cute! 

The next morning we opened all the presents and just enjoyed spending time together! I would say that it has been great this year presents wise. I got a bunch of Pink clothes and one of my all time favorites was a gourmet pop corn popper that goes in the microwave. I also received a bunch of nail polish(thanks grandma freida) and the first season of I love Lucy! All in all it was a wonderful day! 

Here is my two cute nephews enjoying their presents!

 Cavin and his play house!
Kaden and his go go's(cars)

A few days later we had a Christmas with the rest of our extended family! The rest of the Bruce/Demartino family came and we had another huge dinner and opened more presents and had a white elephant gift exchange. So much fun. Of course we had to have briskit for christmas dinner. Any Texan will understand why!

I am so grateful that I have such a wonderful family and for the time that we get to spend together and the fact that however far apart we are, we can get together and it feels like we pick up where we have left off. I am also thankful for the real reason of Christmas. It is to celebrate Jesus Christ and his life and what he has given us. Thank you! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A day in the life of me!

Well for those of you who may know me, know that I have this insane ability of making people say wow! And as I've gone through life I have had many embarrassing experiences! Whether its dumping a slurpee on the floor of the 7-eleven, getting my pants stuck in the door way at school, tripping and falling down, you name it its most likely happened to me! Well today was one of those wow moments!

I had a job interview today, so I got all ready and I looked awesome! Some headed to the job interview and everything went awesome! So I drove home and walked in the door and found my mother. I started telling her about it and then she looks at me and goes"Evie your shirt is wide open! Did you know?" And then I looked down and said "it is!" And not only was it unbuttoned but the button fell off. I'm not sure when it exactly happened but what can I say! I'm not sure if I got the job for my skills or the fact that I may have flashed the doctor! We laughed so hard! I'm sure if it was like that for the interview, they must have died laughing after I left!

Well that's just another one of these experiences to add to my long list! As my family would say I just pulled another Evie! I sure did but hey look on the bright side, my life is never boring!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Celebrating Christmas Country Style!

Today was a very awesome day! I was able to go to the local theatre today and I was able to attend the Bar J Wranglers Country Christmas show! If you have never heard of them I will fill you in on who they are.

The Bar J Wranglers are a famous group of men who come from Jackson Hole Wyoming. They sing old country songs and play a lot of different instruments. At their shows they often sings and tell jokes that have everyone in the theater laughing. They have many different songs and they are very talented at playing things like the banjo and the fiddle and they have many talented singers. In Jackson Hole they have a dinner place called the Bar J Chuckwagon, where you are able to eat and then they put on a show every night during the summer. I am so dying to go and eat and enjoy the show again.

Here is some of their goodness so that you can see it for yourself!

Here are some pics that I took before the show started!
That's right....I did go all out and wear my cowboy boots!

Me and the Mother just chilling before the show starts!

All in all it was a very enjoyable show and gave me something to do for a few hours. It really got me in the mood for christmas coming up. They did some really awesome country renditions of the christmas carols! It was awesome!

To top the day off I also got to babysit my nephew Cavin! His parents went out on a date so we were able to play and have some fun!

Here is a picture of us!

So I guess the next show that I am going to see is Drumline Live! Here is a video of them to get you all excited!

Can't wait honestly! It will be such a great show!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Victoria's Secret perfume is boy repellent....part 2!

Alright so I am going to blog about this again. Seriously, this is the only perfume I wear now a days. I guess its the perk of my dad being the district manager for all the stores here in Utah. But I am beginning to think it really is boy repellent more and more each day.

And here is why! Another one of these episodes I seem to have now a days with different boys.

So I am heading to work and I pull into the mall parking lot....I had a few minutes to kill and so I was just listening to some music and checking my facebook from my phone, When I hear this knock on my window. It scared me half to death but I was surprised to see it was a cute boy and so I rolled down my window and he asked me if he could use my car to jump his. So I said sure and drove a few feet to where his car was. So he hooks everything up and I get out and we start a really nice conversation. I find out what his name is and what he is going to school for and where he is from and he asks me the same questions. Needless to say his car would not start and I needed to head into work. He called his roommates or friends or whatever and then he kinda stared at me awkwardly and so I said good luck. He said thanks and then looked at me like he wanted to ask me for my number. I have come to the conclusion that I don't ask them for their numbers because if they are not man enough then they do not deserve my number. I gave him all the signals and said I will see you around and hope to see you again soon.....and still nothing! Oh well his loss!

But seriously maybe it is the perfume.....but then again I still don't look like this!

Or this....

So....I just do not see what the problem is. I will continue to put the perfume to the test! One day it will work out to my advantage and then my view will change on the whole issue!