Well, this Christmas I was home and able to enjoy all of the fun with my family! Not that I didn't miss having Christmas in Texas! For the past two weeks, My oldest brother Jeffry and his wife Holly and my cute nephew Kaden have been here! It has been so much fun hanging out with them and enjoying all of the holiday traditions my family has. We have been able to go shopping for last minute christmas gifts and just hang out and play rock band and just talk. Holly has been a gem and does girl things with me since I only have brothers....I have to enjoy that anywhere I can get it right?!
Christmas is definitely one of my favorite holidays so I enjoy being able to enjoy family time. Especially when I get to play with my nephews! It has been so much fun playing with Kaden every morning. We share lucky charms and just sit together! He even knows how to say my name. Its pretty awesome.
Here is us:
We have also jumped on my bed and a lot of other fun things. He always seems to find my bed and continue to jump....
He is just the cutest!
One of our holiday traditions is opening a pair of pajamas on Christmas eve. So that when we wake up we look all cozy and nice. It has become one of my favorite traditions and especially this year since I received a pajama outfit.
Arn't we so cute!
The next morning we opened all the presents and just enjoyed spending time together! I would say that it has been great this year presents wise. I got a bunch of Pink clothes and one of my all time favorites was a gourmet pop corn popper that goes in the microwave. I also received a bunch of nail polish(thanks grandma freida) and the first season of I love Lucy! All in all it was a wonderful day!
Here is my two cute nephews enjoying their presents!
Cavin and his play house!
Kaden and his go go's(cars)
A few days later we had a Christmas with the rest of our extended family! The rest of the Bruce/Demartino family came and we had another huge dinner and opened more presents and had a white elephant gift exchange. So much fun. Of course we had to have briskit for christmas dinner. Any Texan will understand why!
I am so grateful that I have such a wonderful family and for the time that we get to spend together and the fact that however far apart we are, we can get together and it feels like we pick up where we have left off. I am also thankful for the real reason of Christmas. It is to celebrate Jesus Christ and his life and what he has given us. Thank you!