So let me take you back in time......back to the first weekend in August! This is the weekend that my family and I travelled to the great land or should I say state of Ohio for a bike ride called the Pelotonia! I was able to volunteer as a first aid person at a rest stop along the ride! But lets start with the first night we were there! They were holding the opening ceremonies and they had a big celebration of sorts! They had a band playing and different tents where things were being sold! The dinner they served us was pretty awesome also! It rained and we all got soaked which added to all the fun! But the best thing that happened was a 21 year old cancer survivor, named Woody Roseland shared his story!
Here is a video he made for the event! Pretty awesome right?!
So let me tell you what my family did for this event. My dad and brother marcus rode 180 miles and raised over 4 thousand dollars! All of the proceeds go to cancer research and fund students and doctors to continue the fight to end cancer!
Here is my dad and my brother! They did amazing.
Here is a my group that I worked with:
Im the small one. We mostly spent our time providing ibuprofen and it was awesome to hear the stories of why and who people were riding for that day. My mother and sister in law took some amazing pictures of the riders and the event. It was touching to see how cancer has affected so many lives. Riders would come to the stop with numerous names written on their arms and legs, pictures of their children pinned to their jerseys and some were even riding as cancer patients themselves. The riders and the volunteers and the community were all focused on one goal.........
Here is my mom and my dad:
She is a breast cancer survivor! Way to go mom.
There was one man who came across to our stop crying and we asked him if he was okay and he just said that he saw a man sitting on the side of the road with his wife and children. He was holding a sign that said Thanks for saving my wife! We were all crying as he finished up the story. This is only one of the many touching things I heard and saw as the weekend went on.
So if you think there is nothing you can this!
My Favorite is I have cyclophobia. Gave me a good laugh. Search for Jeff Bruce or rider number JB0100! Thanks!
As you can tell I had a great weekend in Ohio.
Cancer sucks. Lets all work together and kick its butt. One goal cannot be achieved without.............................Us!
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