Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Is Victoria's Secret perfume really boy repellent?!

Hmm....some of you may be wondering what this post is really about! Well...let me tell you I am beginning to wonder if my perfume is really boy repellent!

Example number 1:
I go to the local health club. yep I am all cute and sweaty and not to brag but I run a 7 minute mile...oh wait back to my story! Picture it! Cute girl running on the treadmill minding my own business! I see a cute guy to my left and he gets off of his treadmill and comes to the empty one right next to mine! So I am thinking Sweet! I smile and say hi! And he says Hello! Im thinking to myself hey cute kid. At this point he stops the treadmill and got off and left! What?!!!

Now I don't look like this:
I definitely don't look like this: 
Sorry whoever you are ugly girl!

This is me: 
And yes! I am wearing my boy repellent! 

What's up with you single boys in Logan anyway! 

I have multiple stories....the kid at the institute dance who introduced me to all of his roommates, danced a couple of dances and awkwardly left without asking me for my number. about the kid who took me out for ice cream. He was super courteous and super nice. About a month later....we crossed paths at the institute building. Made eye contact and gave him a good smile and he turned and went the other way! Say what?! Saying hello is not marriage! 

Moral of these stories.....its okay to ask me for my number! I am nice really! Dont go out of your way and then chicken out! 

Come on all you single boys! Take some girls out of some dates! It wont hurt you! 

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