Saturday, March 15, 2014

Adventures of Evie and Jescha!

Yes Jescha you have officially made it into a title of one of my blog posts! How did you get so lucky?! No but really I'm the lucky one to have gotten to know you and that we have become such great friends! 

On Saturday, March 8, we journeyed to Pittsburgh for Disney On Ice! It was my birthday present to Jescha! Disney on ice was amazing this year! We had so much fun exploring at the consol energy center and taking pictures with the hockey team! 

I love hockey! 

Pittsburgh Penguins! Too bad it really wasn't the real players! We would be in heaven! 

Here are our experiences with Disney on Ice! 

Our princess crowns!! 

Jescha and our view of the ice! 

Mickey and the gang! 

Beauty and the beast! 

It's a small world after all! 

It was an amazing show and we loved every minute! After the show we decided we would eat lunch at a place called Primanti Brothers! For those of you who arnt from around here, Primanti brothers is amazing! Back in the day, the coal miners would put everything on their sandwich to make it easier for them. So basically they put everything on the sandwich. You pick the meat and they put the fries and coleslaw on it. The sandwich is huge! 

Here is one! 
Eat up Jescha! 

Jescha's first time so we had to document it! 

After filling up on Primanti Brothers we walked the Strip! It's basically like an open market! Awesome fresh food and cheap shirts and different things everywhere! 

Wholey fish market! 

I love Pittsburgh! 

It was a fun adventure and I can't wait to have more adventures with Jescha! Happy birthday and I enjoyed celebrating it with you! 

Let's have another adventure soon! 

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