Saturday, May 18, 2013

Oh the many adventures of a Saturday with my parents!

My parents are some of the funniest people you will ever meet. Something many of you will come to understand by just spending a few minutes with them!

This adventure took place in the wonderful store called Lee's. They were having a customer appreciation day, with many different festivities. They were having trivia questions about every 10 minutes and you had text in the answer. My mom with her fast texting skills texted in the answer to the question "what is the market called in seattle where they toss the fish?" The answer was Seattle Pike Place! So of course as we were leaving they called us and because we answered fast enough we got put in a contest to catch Sammy the salmon....of course we forced my dad to catch the fish! 

Sammy the Salmon and my dad! 

My dad, Sammy the salmon, Monica 

They tied so they split Sammy in half for us all to enjoy! Looks like we will be having salmon for dinner! 

Here is the whole adventure! Enjoy! I know we did!

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