This was one of the unplanned trips on my part! A few weeks ago one of my favorite old companions from the mission texted me and said she would be flying into Utah and driving through Logan to go and visit BYU Idaho! So Allie and Nicole stopped by and spent an hour or so with me just talking and I ended up packing a bag and going along on the adventure! So we hopped in the car and headed over to Rexburg!
When we arrived we stayed in the Super 8's not like we can afford better! It smelled pretty bad when we walked in and we only had one queen bed for the three of us but's all part of the adventure! The first night we met up with a few of the old elders from the mission and watched half of a movie and then headed back to the motel to get some sleep.
The next day we just hung out for a while in the room just watching you tube videos and laughing and talking. And then around 1 we realized we were hungry so we got ready and headed to Applebee's! Seriously one of my favorite places ever:) me and Allie split the 2 for 20 meal and we had entirely too much food! After feeling nourished we hit up the campus. After what seemed like the longest walk of my life...okay I'm just kidding it was a nice campus but you know it's BYU...enough said. After that me and Nicole headed back to the motel and we just hung out. Grabbed some cold stone and hit up the craziest car wash I've ever been in and swam in the motel pool...they told us it was a heated one. But seriously if you are in the pool and you can see your breath it's not heated! They lied! We just about died laughing! After the pool adventures we went and picked up Allie and had so much fun laughing and talking. We pretty much stayed up all night and I ended up moving to the floor.
We definitely didn't want to wake up and missed the early church so we went to a random ward on campus at like 10. That was fun:) we only stayed for sacrament meeting and then we hit the road because it was snowing so bad! The roads were crazy and then after a few hours we finally made it back to my house and we had lunch together and then my two friends hit the road to salt lake!
Not going to lie this was one of those weekends where you fueled blessed to have the friends you do and for the little adventures you have together! I love the friendships I made on my mission! Lifetime friendships! You two girls know who you are! Thanks for the time and the laughter and the adventure!
Here we are! Aren't we cute?
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