Monday, November 26, 2012

November is almost out of sight!

Okay I have pretty much stunk at updating! But before November flew out of sight I thought I should write about a few things I am thankful for! I'll try and think of at least 10 things!

So here goes!

1) I am very grateful for my family! My mom and dad especially! Then of course my brothers! Life would not be the same without the fun times we have had together!
Me and Mitchell
Typical Pose for us!

Me and Marcus

My brother Jeffry!
2) I am grateful for my nephews Kaden Bruce and Cavin Bruce! They are so cute and wonderful. How can I not want to spoil them!

My oldest Nephew Kaden!

My Second Nephew Cavin!
They are just the cutest! 

3) I am grateful for awesome know who you are!

4) I am grateful for the freedom to do what I want! Thanks to all the military men and women! Freedom is not free!

5) I am grateful for our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! Enough said there! What would we do without them!

6) I am grateful for a nice and warm bed! Especially for my mattress pad bed warmer during these cold nights!

7) I am grateful for popcorn! Seriously my favorite snack! So yummy!

8) I am grateful for music!

9) I am grateful for fin my iPad! My whole life is on this thing!

10) I am grateful for you because you are spending the time to read about my life!

I love the holiday season and can't help but think that I am home with my family this year! It's great! But man I sure do miss Texas and being a missionary at this time of year also! But remember that we are all celebrating being together and make sure to remember the real reason for the holiday season! And try to keep this happy and giving feeling all year long!

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