Friday, November 30, 2012

Can you believe its December?!

Holy cow! The month of November just flew right on by! Tomorrow is December 1st....and I promise to be better at updating my blog more often! Maybe that will be my goal for the month of December. So lets see the month of December and Christmas time has to be one of my favorite times of the year! Come on....all the christmas music. How can you not love this time of year!

Im one of those weirdos that listens to christmas music from about halloween till christmas so I guess I am a little bit biased. But I have to say that I love when 25 days of christmas starts on ABC Family! That really makes the whole month. There is nothing like the classic christmas claymation movies we all watched when we were little. If you have never tuned in you definitely should. I promise it will help make the season brighter. 

Here watch this!

How can you not love the burgermiester! Tune in everyone!

As you all know for the past few months I have been working at Bath and Body Works! I am so blessed to be able to enjoy the job I have and I have loved everyone I have worked with so far! This job will also definitely make the holiday season so great. I hope they are able to keep me longer than just for the holiday season. Cross your fingers for me okay! 

This past week I was able to have an adventure at the cache valley fun park! I totally rocked at the games and it was all with the help of one of my good friends Whitney. I thought I would post some pictures of how great I am and not to mention fun! 

But first I have to explain how great I am at the jump roping game and if you dont believe me at all you can talk to Whitney and also Heath and Adriene Breinholt....They can attest to the truth of this statement! But of course you know what happens when the camera comes out to film your greatness! 

This happens:  First your friend hits the wrong button and misses it and then you feel so cool!
And then you redeem yourself! 

Told you I was a pro! 

Me and Whitney played a whole bunch of different games and just about died laughing....we got stuck on this one cabellas game for about a half hour because it told us to put in more coins for a better deal....little did we know we were in for the long haul. We also dominated at a tank game and totatlly kicked the computers butt! And after a few hours of playing games we got tons of tickets! 

Look at my purse if you dont believe me!

We had over 500 tickets! Awesome winnings! So of course you feel like a kid at the candy store when you get to pick prizes. So we got a mystery bag and had so much fun playing with all the goodies we got! Of course no night is really complete without a visit to Chic-fil-a! We sure did damage there and this is why we are friends....we finished our own shakes and medium fries and that was just not enough so we shared a large fry. So three french fry boxes later and we just couldnt stop laughing that we finished them all along with the shakes! 

Here is a picture of the damage!

We finished the night by watching some kid history on youtube! Guys I dont think I have every laughed so hard in my life! So to give you a taste and because its my favorite one....I actually have a few but still here is one to get you started! 

Well anyway so that's how the beginning of December and end of November have been for me! I so can't wait to update more and more! Ill try and make this month a fun one! Im home for christmas this year! Enjoy every minute! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

November is almost out of sight!

Okay I have pretty much stunk at updating! But before November flew out of sight I thought I should write about a few things I am thankful for! I'll try and think of at least 10 things!

So here goes!

1) I am very grateful for my family! My mom and dad especially! Then of course my brothers! Life would not be the same without the fun times we have had together!
Me and Mitchell
Typical Pose for us!

Me and Marcus

My brother Jeffry!
2) I am grateful for my nephews Kaden Bruce and Cavin Bruce! They are so cute and wonderful. How can I not want to spoil them!

My oldest Nephew Kaden!

My Second Nephew Cavin!
They are just the cutest! 

3) I am grateful for awesome know who you are!

4) I am grateful for the freedom to do what I want! Thanks to all the military men and women! Freedom is not free!

5) I am grateful for our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! Enough said there! What would we do without them!

6) I am grateful for a nice and warm bed! Especially for my mattress pad bed warmer during these cold nights!

7) I am grateful for popcorn! Seriously my favorite snack! So yummy!

8) I am grateful for music!

9) I am grateful for fin my iPad! My whole life is on this thing!

10) I am grateful for you because you are spending the time to read about my life!

I love the holiday season and can't help but think that I am home with my family this year! It's great! But man I sure do miss Texas and being a missionary at this time of year also! But remember that we are all celebrating being together and make sure to remember the real reason for the holiday season! And try to keep this happy and giving feeling all year long!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Guess What? Its November!

Its November....and so that means its time for us to take the photo challenge! If you have instagram then you may be wondering why everyone is posting things that have a certain tag line. Well it is your lucky day and also for all those who don't have instagram because you get in on the fun! There is a photo challenge going on for the month of November! So I will try my best to be faithful and update almost everyday.....bear with me I will most likely fail. Join in all the fun everyone and take the challenge. Come on what else have you got to do? Seriously!

Here is all of the challenges:

So I finished Day 1 yesterday! November 1st was something beginning with a "C":

"C" is for my cool bandaid that I received after shots at the doctors.
I have another cool bandaid to match on the other arm!

November 2nd is a color! Little did I know that me and my newphew Cavin would match! Guess that makes this my color!

The color for today is Blue!
Isn't he just the cutest! 
I loved hanging out with him today!

Day 3 is take a picture of your breakfast! What can I say Corn Flakes have to be one of my favorites....after lucky charms of course!

What a great way to start off my Saturday!