Friday, October 26, 2012

Viva Las Vegas!

This past week I was able to have a little vacation with my family and some family friends! Of course you know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! So that means that this post should be pretty short right? But thats not the case here because I was with my family and family friends. Nothing crazy here! 

We left on Thursday, October 18. So my mom and my dad and I piled in our Ford Escape and hit the road! We drove 8 full hours and arrived in Vegas around 8 or so that night! All in all it wasn't a bad drive and I was able to catch up on some movie watching. That night we checked in to our hotel called the Silverton and after that we hit up the casino....crazy how many people spend all day there! I gambled for the first time in my life....of course I lost a few dollars and then we called it a night! 

Here is my first gambling experience: 
We won big!

The next morning we were able to meet up with the Liufaus! I have known them since I was 8. They have 6 boys and I have three brothers....if you do the math that means I grew up with 9 brothers. Crazy! We haven't seen eachother in 5 years....seriously way too long! We walked around the strip in Vegas and just had so much fun. We visited the M&M store and enjoyed walking around the different sights and stores. 

Here is the highlights of the all the fun:
I was finally able to meet Ka'iLi Liufau! She is the sweetest and I am happy to call her my sister. Of course they keep adding in the girls to the Brufau family! 

This should be my new job! Model for Nascar! 

My brother AJ. So tall and so cool. He leaves on his mission in like two weeks! We visited the Hard Rock Cafe. 

That night we met up with the Harts. The Liufau clan went and helped with the wedding preparations. We went shopping and just walked around Ceasars palace and watched the water show at the Bellagio. 

All of the crazy people also seem to come out at night so it was a blast just watching all the hustle and bustle. I guess what they say is true...Vegas is the busiest at night.

Sadly we didn't visit the buffet at the Billagio...but did I mention they have prime rib and lobster:) 

 My mother and I and Annie Hart

 That's right the tree is flirting with me!

 I just couldn't control myself!

Me and my cute mom!

My dad and his scooter Jazzy Jeff!
Look out Vegas!

The next morning was the day of Daniel and Salym's wedding so we headed to the Vegas temple and had a wonderful time! It was so fun to be a part of another one of my brothers weddings. Congrats Dan and Salym! Thanks for all of the fun memories! The reception and things that night were awesome! The dancing and getting down were once in a lifetime. I had no idea that Tighe and AJ Liufau had rhythm. I almost caught the bouque but of course some girls that were taller than I am had the advantage. 

 My brother Daniel and I 
 One of my mom's favorite memories of us when we were little. 
The three of us used to watch tv just like this!

 My second Dad and I

 The Wisconsin Gang!

My second mom, David, Me, and AJ

After the reception has to be one of the funniest nights of the whole trip. We got mooned in the hallway of the silverton as were coming back to our room. I know I know you are all dying to read about this most awesome of events. 

As we came down the hallway we ran into a group of about 5 people and they were all shhing us. And in the front row of us walking is me and my mom and annie hart and then all of a sudden we see this guy way ahead of us wearing a straw hat and a hawaiian shirt and he is pulling down his pants. My mom points and says what? and then annie says SIR SIR I AM ABOUT TO SEE YOUR BUTT! I am  just staring in amazement as this is all going down. I mean we saw the whole moon! We were all laughing so hard and i mean harder than his friends were! That just about capped the whole night. 

The next day we headed out to a really nice hotel called the JW Marriot. My Dad had some meeting so me and my mother and annie left her kids at home and sent her husband home to stay with us for a few extra days. This hotel was defintely the suite we were waiting for. The room was huge and the whole hotel was awesome! So relaxing. We spent the next few days just relaxing and shopping and just hanging out! They had the biggest pool and since the weather was so nice I got to swim. My mom and Annie didnt want to swim so I was a lone swimmer but not to mention the coolest one! 

All alone in this giant pool: 
That's me! 

After three days of relaxing it was time to come back to real life! So we headed out and back in to the snowy weather. Snow in October....that's Utah. 

So all in all my first trip to Vegas was a success! Thanks for all of the fun memories! 

Nobody says it better than the king!

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