Monday, June 1, 2015

Guess what....I tied the knot!

I guess the title should explain itself! Considering its been quite a while since I have updated my blog like always my posts seem to be the big things that happen in my life. I married Bradley James Cox on May 9th! It seriously was one of the best days ever! We were married in the Washington DC Temple! What a beautiful temple! When we are married in the temple we are sealed together as families which means that we will be together forever. We will see each other again after we die! Isn't that amazing!

So for those of you who don't know the story of how we met and decided to get married I will fill you in with the details now. I moved to West Virginia on September 25th of I cant believe I have been here for almost two years already. When I arrived in West Virginia I started attending the University Ward and Institute and I met Brad and had a feeling that I needed to get to know him. I thought well okay but I am not exactly sure how to go about it so I tried talking to him at different activities and things but nothing ever really came about. Then my parents and I moved to Fairmont from Morgantown in November of 2013 and we lived right around the corner from his families house. It just so happens that he moved back home in December. It took a couple of months before we went on our first date. He invited me over to his house to try out crossfit and we took a three hour drive in my mothers covertible. That led to us dating for three months and then we took a five month break. I know right a five month break but it was a necessary for us because Brad is a very logical person and needs time to think about things and figure things out. So needless to say during the five month break we became good friends and talked a lot about different things and really got to know one another.

During our break, I personally made a lot of changes. I started running a lot and decided to do fun things on my bucket list. I ran 5Ks and did a mud run. I also made a lot of spiritual changes. I started thinking about how I could become a better person. I decided that I would try and become more of a christ like person. I would try and give more service and try and do the things that god wanted me to do. So as I was making these changes Brad began to notice and realized that I was developing qualities that he wanted.

We did many fun things together while we were friends and we realized that we still really liked each other but thought that we shouldn't be together or get married....we even had a code word for when we were struggling with our feelings and so the other person would know we were struggling. The word was bundt cake haha.

Really when things changed was on Brads birthday December 5th 2014. He texted me and asked me what I was doing. I was shopping with my mother and nephew Kaden. He wanted to join us. Of course I was curious as to why he wanted to spend his birthday with me. So he came and met us at the store and spent some time playing with me and my nephew on the mall play area. I of course began to like him more watching him play with my nephew and I knew I was in trouble haha. So he left to get ready for his birthday party later that night that I was also going to attend. A group of us went ice skating and it was an enjoyable time. After ice skating I gave Brad his gift outside of the institute and then we both agreed that it was a bundt cake moment. We then proceeded to have a really long conversation outside of the institute but still left with the conclusion that we should be friends and shouldn't be together.

So little did I know that Brad would have a feeling the next weekend that he could and needed to marry me. He was sitting in a church christmas meeting and had the feeling that it would be okay for us to be together and that he had found the one he wanted to marry. So the monday following the meeting we met for a morning run and he wanted to meet with my parents. I had no idea what had happened the night before so I was nervous and scared about what would be said or why he wanted to meet with them. Little did I know he would explain that he changed his mind and that he was sorry for how things had gone previously but that basically he wanted to marry me. I was clueless to this at this point so I was still trying to figure out what they were discussing. I told him that we needed to talk about it and I needed to know what they had talked about so he told me to meet him at our spot. I was so nervous driving to our spot. When we met he explained that he changed his mind and that he wanted us to date again. So I agreed kind of reluctantly because I wasn't sure how I felt(even though I really liked him I didnt want to get hurt either). We decided to call it a night and we would meet up the next day.

I put together a finals care package for him and just thought the whole day about whether or not I could see myself marrying him and being with him. And so while I delivered the package to him that night and as I looked over at him sitting next to me on the couch I realized that there is no one else in the whole world that I would want to be sitting next to. So that was my decision! And the rest is history! We got engaged January 1st 2015 at a YSA Dance! So much fun! He did a wonderful job and it was a surprise! We obviously had a short engagement and got married a couple of weeks ago! Married life is wonderful! I couldn't be any more blessed! My parents and family did an amazing job on the wedding and reception and the blessings we have received has been endless. We couldn't be more grateful for all of the love and support. The lord has blessed us for sure! I could not ask for a more loving and kind husband. I can't believe the lord has trusted me with such a wonderful guy. I am learning a lot from him on a daily basis which is something that I wanted. I know that we will be together forever and I cant wait to chase forever down with him by my side!

Here are some pictures from the big day!

I am excited to keep you all updated on the Cox family adventures.