Earlier in the month, my friends and I decided to do the Color Me Rad 5k! My friends and I had the best time! The morning was really cold and rainy and the trail we ran on was muddy and full of puddles! Needless to say, we ended up wet and muddy and colored all over with the chalk. The race starts out with them spraying you with one color, and then throughout the whole race they throw and spray different colors on you as you run right on by. At the finish line they give you color bombs, which are bags full of the colored chalk, and they lead you to this giant stage. At the stage there is a large crowd and they were playing music and then they had different activities and things. One of the activities was a handstand chugging contest! My Sister in law Jessica jumped up at the chance and volunteered us for the challenge! We got first out of our age group! She even drank an orange soda! It was so much fun! Another activity led my good friend Justin to dance on stage....he also won! They gave us a lot of shirts and things. After all these activities they have whats called the color bomb! So they gave us all those color bags and they count you down and you just go crazy with the chalk and throw it everywhere and all over each other! Of course I was the lucky one who got bombed by an entire bag of blue! It was all over me and in my mouth! I had to wash my mouth out with some water! When I spit the water out it was pure blue! The whole 5K was so much fun! After the race, Heather, Katie, Justin and I went to Chick-fil-a for lunch of course! I loved the different looks we got!
Here are some awesome pictures of us!
Here are the videos of the color bomb and the finish line!
So many fun memories! Plus I was able to run the whole thing! I have come a long way in my running since last year! Ive finally decided to be more active and fit and I have gotten into running once again!
My 25th Birthday was also this month! 25 years old really?! I can't believe it! It was an awesome day! I decided to do my very first mud run! I was able to participate in the Chestnut Mountain Mud Run in Fairmont. It was a 3 mile course filled with over 25 different obstacles! I had to climb and jump over walls, pull myself up a steep black tube with a rope, climb in the mud and underneath ropes, fill buckets with rocks and carry them a distance and dump them out, climb over hay bails, jump over fire, slide down a slide, tromp through a muddy bank at the river, try and balance while walking on a pole and a lot of other obstacles! I was so tired but i survived and i loved every minute of it! It was so hilly and everything! Im so surprised that I even made it to the finish! I was so covered in mud when I finished but I felt amazing! I faced my fear of heights and climbed over the giant wall and I climbed it twice...It was awesome doing something so hard!
Here are the pictures from the mud run!
After the mud run I headed home to shower! After I got out of the shower my friends surprised me and kidnapped me! They planned a little surprise birthday lunch at Dickey's Barbecue! They are the best! Here are the photos and videos from that experience! It was my first surprise birthday party!
It was a wonderful month! I have really enjoyed getting back into running and running different races and things! I am working on running a half marathon and what a better way to train! Do a bunch of different races and things!