Saturday, May 24, 2014

Spring Fun! pure Evie fashion it has been quite a while since I last wrote. I've been a little bit busy working and hanging out with the awesome group of friends I have made here in West Virginia.
Seriously this spring has been so much fun! The group of friends I have made here in Fairmont West Virginia are the best! We have fun Family Home Evenings every Monday and we just meet up and hang out and do fun things all the time! We just enjoy spending time together and we all get along so well. We have fun doing different things together and always seem to end up playing Just Dance. So anyway here are some pictures from this past spring of the fairmont group!

Rodeo fun! 


Shooting guns and a bonfire! And of course Just Dance! 

Car seat fun with Justin! 

Applebee's for dinner! 

Cory, me, Justin

 Brad, Robert, Cory, Me and Heather

 Justin is just being Justin!

 Brad and Cory!
 Volleyball fun!

 Bon Fire Fun!

This group of friends that I have gained in the past few months have been amazing! I don't think my life would be the same without each one of them. We all bring differences to the table and we are all learning from one another. So I think that I am going to start a blog for our group...and I will explain more about each member of the group so make sure you head over there and read more about us! Anyway these are some of the things I have been up to this spring! It has been so much fun and I really am enjoying the small adventures that have come to me....remember its all about enjoying the journey!