Thursday, April 17, 2014

Jackson's Mill 2014!

This past weekend I was able to attend a young single adult conference! It was my first experience attending something like this, I mean besides youth conference when I was younger! It was such a fun and wonderful weekend! It was filled with meeting new friends and getting to know more about the group of friends I already have! It was filled with getting little sleep and staying up late! I don't think I've laughed so much in the past couple of months! I loved every minute! 

The weekend was filled with a bunch of different activities and classes. I attended a self defense class and a Zumba class! It was so much fun! Just laughing and having fun withJescha and Heather was some of the best moments! Heather and I being so tired that we barely made it back to our cabin...that was a sight I'm sure! Good thing it was so dark! Anyway, we also had the opportunity to play different sports like basketball(which I kicked butt) and soccer(which I didn't kick butt...oh well). It was super fun! We also star gazed on Saturday night! It was a big group on a bunch of blankets! It was probably my favorite time at the conference! Just laughing and joking and talking! Anyway instead of writing more about it I'll just post pictures of us enjoying the journey together! 

Fireside fun! 

Me, Jescha and Justin! 
Brad and Justin! 

Fairmont Group with an addition(Jescha)! We are the best! 

Star gazing! 

The whole group! 

Dance selfie!! 

Some of the whole group! 

We love Austin! 



As you can see we had such a wonderful experience! I can't wait to have more adventures with the new friends I've met and keep on getting to know the group of friends I already had! I'm enjoying the journey of this year so far. Heavenly Father keeps putting great things and blessings in my life! As I look around and realize the things I'm able to do and the things I've been given I've realized these things are what really matters! And it starts with being grateful and happy with the good things in your life! Guys join me in looking around and learning to enjoy this wonderful journey of life! As you do, it will change how you see things and help you enjoy the simple things in life that matter the most!