Monday, March 11, 2013

Disney on Ice!

Okay I know...I said that I would try the post a day challenge,But as you can see I have failed already and I only posted on day 1. So I figured I would just post like I always do...every few weeks or when something big happens!

This past weekend I went to Disney on Ice! I went with a friend of mine named Nicole Tillman. We served in the same mission but we never had the privilege of being companions! So Friday morning I headed down to Salt Lake and we headed into the magic of Disney on Ice. The skaters were really talented and what better way to spend the afternoon than with the all the disney characters and princesses!

Here is a taste of some of the magic!

Dare to Dream was the theme!

That is a good overview of the show!
Tangled was the best part!

Of course we had to buy a few things and cotton candy of course! The cotton candy came with an awesome crown!

 We are so cool!

Me and the awesome crown!

 We had awesome seats!
Nicole and the 12 dollar cotton candy!
I guess they can get away with that price because they included a crown!

After the show, we headed over to the Bettie Page store and I really really wanted to purchase a few of their new dress styles for spring but luckily I was able to walk away. They have awesome things in their store, you all should check out their website!, there you all go!

After shopping we headed out to the IMAX theater and saw Oz the Great and Powerful! I give the movie 5 stars. It was very entertaining and funny also. I highly recommend it!

Here is the trailor!

That was my weekend in a nut shell! It was so much fun and I loved getting to know Nicole better! Thanks for the fun weekend! I hope everyone gets a chance to see Disney on Ice at some point! You know you all want to!

Friday, March 1, 2013

31 Day blog challenge for March!

So I have decided to try something new and go out on a limb how I said I would take pictures everyday of the month and be on here well its like that again but a little bit different of course. So what happens is they give me a prompt of what to post on here for everyday of March. I figured I would give it a shot. 

So here it is: 

So day 1 is a self-portrait and 5 random facts about myself!

Or I guess the silly side should come through:

I mustache you a question! But I'll shave it for later!

If you know me well enough, this is completely normal for me! I'm silly most of the time.

Now for the 5 random facts! Here it comes!

1) I was on a cheer/dance team in high school! And yes I did eat two hot dogs and a soda everyday after practice at our favorite gas station called Kwik Trip....If you are from Wisconsin you will understand.

2) I have a crush on a boy.....I won't say who!

3) I have Beiber fever! Though I hate to admit it!

4) I have one brother in Iraq fighting in the army and another brother in Cabo Verde. 

5) The Little Mermaid was my favorite movie growing up!

So there you have it! Post number 1!  Now I don't promise that I will post everyday but I will try!