Friday, February 8, 2013

My weekend in California!

This past weekend I was able to go to California with my Mom and Dad! I was so glad to get out of the cold weather and into the nice and sunny weather of Orange County. The air was nice and clear compared to the horrible inversion we have had here in Logan. I felt like I could breathe in deep and so that Friday we got up and got ready and headed to the Salt Lake airport. We boarded our flight and after an hour and a half we landed in the land of Orange county. Walking off the plane and into the 70 degree weather was amazing! We got our rental car and headed to the Hilton that was like right across from the airport and checked in and lost our bags! And guess where we headed to first? If you know the Bruce family well you would have guessed it by now.....

and if you guessed the beach you are correct!

It's coming for me!

We headed straight to Newport beach. Of course we grabbed lunch to eat in the sand. And if you know me very well you would know that I hate birds! I think they are like the ugliest things on the planet. If you stick around me long enough you would know that every animal is attracted to me for some odd reason so I was in for an afternoon of all the pigeons and seagulls attacking me and hovering around me. But it still did not deter from the fact that I was at the beach!

After spending time at the beach we met up with a family friend/family. My uncle Paul and my Dad were great friends growing up and so I heard lots of great stories. We went out to dinner with him and ate at an awesome mexican food place.  After eating we headed back to the hotel and called it a night!

The next day was the most exciting day of my whole weekend. My old mission companion Allie Mckenzie is from Buena Park and she has a season pass to Disneyland so we decided that we would go together! I was able to get in free to both Disneyland and California Adventures. Thanks to my Uncle Paul! I haven't been to Disneyland since I was two years old so it was awesome to be able to go and experience the magic. Of course I had to invest in some mickey ears and other souvenirs. If you have ever been to a theme park you know that they hike up the prices for everything and you still buy things! But its all part of the experience. So Allie and I grabbed a 10 dollar hamburger and ate and then we headed out on our all day experience. We hit up California Adventures for a majority of the day. We went on California Screaming which was by far my favorite ride....okay it may be a tie with the tower of terror. I loved the free falling feeling as the elevator drops you....or the fact you are not sure if you are going up or down. So fun! We also went on the soaring california where it takes you on a hang glider looking thing and you get a basic tour of California. Im scared of heights so that one was a little tough for me.....but it was fun! Well I took a few pictures and they show my excitement better than my words can!

Lego land!
Coolest thing ever!

 Of course we went on the Little Mermaid ride!

 Just cruisin' down main street.

I just paid 10 dollars! I couldn't more excited to eat a cheeseburger!

 Cars land was so cool!
We totally kicked butt!

We also went on Mr Toad's Wild Ride because that was my mothers favorite ride when she was younger and would come to Disneyland often. It was a fun ride and we laughed the whole time because its also a weird ride. But to end my experience in disneyland we got fast pass tickets to watch the Disneyland world of colors. If you have never seen it, it is amazing. It is a water show and they project a bunch of movies on the water and a bunch of lights and things. I cant even explain what all happens so you all just need to see it. 

Its a little bit long...but its the only good one I could find!

Here is Allie and I enjoying the show!
We are just the cutest!

Thanks Allie for the wonderful day! It was so much fun just laughing and having no care in the world! Its awesome how we can always pick up where we left off the last time we were together. You are great!

I was exhausted that night and totally fell asleep as soon as I got back to the hotel. The next day we of course headed back to the beach. And of course my Dad has this awesome idea that we should rent this huge 6 passenger bike thing.....

So of course in Bruce fashion we do.
We are total tourists!

We drove this bike all over the boardwalk and things and then we parked it and relaxed at the beach for a little while. This whole weekend I have missed my little brother Mitchell. He is currently on his mission in Cabo Verde so of course I had to send him a little love!

We then headed back to the hotel and ordered some pizza and watched the superbowl. And then we headed off to bed and My mom and I headed home the next day. I was dragging my feet the whole way home! I did not like having to come home to cold and nasty weather.....

Thanks Mom and Dad for the awesome weekend! You guys are the best! I love you both!