Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Discover 2013!

My word for 2013 was Discover as most of you may now know. So I figured I might as well post some of the things that I have discovered in 2013! So here is a list of a couple of them! 

1) I discovered that I am smart! I was able to attend school and get good grades and finally graduate! I also passed the certification exam for medical assisting! 

2) I discovered that being an Aunt is amazing! Welcoming Baby Stella to the boys was awesome! 

Here is Baby Stella! 


And Cavin! 

I just love them all so much! 

3) I discovered the magic of Disneyland! 

4) I discovered new music at the Vans Warped Tour! 

Everyone should check out Alvarez Kings from England! 

I also died my hair pink....temporarily for the occasion! 

5) I discovered that riding around in a convertible bug can make you really happy! 

Nicole and I enjoying a ride in Lemon! 

6) I discovered a new place to live! I moved to wild and wonderful West Virginia! 

I love living in West Virginia! 

7) I discovered new friends! 

Jescha and I! 

Karlee and I

8) I discovered that Heroes exist! One of them is my Brother Jeffry! 

Another hero of mine is Woody Roseland! Finally got to meet him! 

9) I discovered LDS church History with my Mom! 

10) I discovered one of the world wonders...Niagara Falls! 

11) I discovered that Josh Groban is amazing live! 

12) I discovered how beautiful the world and life is! And how much I love my family! 

2013 was an awesome year! I can't wait to see what 2014 will bring me! I'm so excited to have many more adventured in the year to come!! 

Monday, December 23, 2013


Well....I got me an education! After 5 months of going to class Monday thru Friday from 8:30 to 3:30...and 5 weeks of an unpaid externship....I am all finished and officially GRADUATED! I was able to fly back to Logan Utah to attend the ceremony and my parents were also able to come with me! We spent the weekend...with our family and I finally got to meet my new niece Baby Stella! She is so beautiful. I enjoyed playing with Cavin and babysitting Stella.

The ceremony was a wonderful experience and I was surprised at the lack of support that came along with such an achievement. Of the other Medical Assistants that were graduating...I was the only one who actually walked at the ceremony! Seriously....I came all the way from West Virginia. They all still lived in Utah and they did not show up! It was a big deal....after all the hard work it was nice to be recognized for accomplishing something worthwhile! Anyway....here are the pictures from the ceremony and some of Baby Stella too!

Our selfie!

She's so cute!!

I loved our cuddle time!!

November 2013!

Okay okay...I know it's almost the end of December and I'm just now updating my blog! I've been a horrible blogger but I've been a little bit busy between my externship at the cancer center at the ruby memorial hospital and moving into a new house in Fairmont West Virginia!

Anyway, the month of November has been a wonderful month! I was able to start my externship at the Ruby Memorial Hospital at the Mary Bab Randolph Cancer Center! It was a wonderful experience and I learned a lot from the patients coming in every single day. It was often a humbling experience being a part of a life changing experience with many different people. From the last day of treatment to finding out they have cancer. I am truly blessed for the health that I enjoy on a daily basis.  I will always be grateful for the experience I had. I have a job interview there.....so wish me luck!

The month of November also brought the opportunity to see Josh Groban in concert! I know all of you are jealous....he was absolutely amazing. Even more amazing was the fact that our ticket were free! My dad was able to get them from a coworker because the coworker would not be able to go....Thank you so much! I had two tickets and was so excited to share it with a friend/little sister Emmalee Hart! We were both so excited!

Here we are heading out to Pittsburgh!

Josh Groban was so amazing! He seriously sounded exactly the same in concert as he does on his albums! I was starstruck and decided that he could marry me right now! He was extremely funny as well....we were laughing hard a lot. The band was awesome as well! Many talented musicians....just sharing their talent and loving what they do! It was such a fun night and I am glad I got to share it with a great girl!

This month also brought Thanksgiving! We were able to spend the holiday with the Harts! My family and I have known them for over ten years and they are amazing. We had lots of wonderful food and were able to share some of the things we are grateful for. I am grateful for all the wonderful things I have and the opportunities I have had over the past year from being able to attend school and meet new friends, to moving to west virginia and meeting new friends here, and being healthy and graduating and working at my externship, to learning new things. Overall I am grateful for my family and the joy they bring into my life! I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and the blessings that come along with the knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father, who blesses me and looks over me.

This month also brought me a double middle ear infection....I know it sounds horrible right?! It was no fun for about three weeks. It started out as having liquid that was not draining in the middle of my ears but then it was starting to become an infection. I was able to be on antibiotics and some steroids and that seriously helped....it was pretty painful for a little while.  I felt a little bit off and dizzy quite a few times but its now so much better.

We also were able to move to a bigger house in Fairmont. Its about 15 minutes or so away from Morgantown.  I really have liked it here so far. Its much more quiet and we have a lot more space.  I have enjoyed unpacking and moving things(not really....they were pretty long days). I am finally unpacked and organized but my room needs a serious makeover!

Anyway, that pretty much sums up my month of November.  It has been filled with fun and working and life.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Jeffry is home!

These past few months have been extremely busy! Over the past two months I have finished school and moved out to wild and wonderful West Virginia! I also celebrated my 24th birthday on September 27th! It was an awesome day! I had some West Virginia cupcakes to celebrate my move!

They were yummy!! We also had Mountain States brewing company for dinner! Best pizza ever! 

My brother Jeffry also returned from Afghanistan on October 15! We were able to head to New York and watch the whole ceremony! It was a once in a lifetime opportunity! I'm so grateful that he is home safe and sound! Here are some awesome pictures to sum up the event! 

Grammy, Kaden, and me!! Waiting so patiently!! 

Here he comes!! 

He's here! 

My favorite of these two! 

Bruce boys!! 

Jeffry is one of my heroes! I'm so glad he is my oldest brother:) I am excited to have him so close and can't wait till he can come and visit us here in West Virginia!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Pelotonia 2013!!

Once again I was blessed to be able to attend a bike ride called Pelotonia! The whole goal of this bike ride is to end cancer! All the money raised is for this goal. As well as, helping with research and scholarships to train more doctors to research for a cure. It's definitely a once in a life time experience to see a huge group of us to come together for one goal. It's also life changing to see how cancer affects so many people all over the country and even the world!

From the countless names written on arms and legs and jerseys, to the spectators holding signs, I realized that this is our fight and what am I doing about it?! Cancer affects people in my family and a few of my friends. What am I doing to help the fight? Better yet what are you doing to help the fight against cancer? Think for a minute and I promise you it will change your life! Thankfully we can all join the fight together! It's going to take all of us! 

Well what better way to show my whole experience than through pictures and videos! 


Here is the promotional video from Pelotonia! What a way to get us more excited about the fight!

This year I decided to join in on the fun and make a shirt of my own! Allie was nice enough to help me design it!

Thanks again Allie!

Here is a Video of the Bruce Family Pelotonia!

If you would like to know more information about Pelotonia and how you can join the fight to end cancer, visit www.pelotonia.org! You can donate to the cause or just find out more information about how much money is being raised and how Pelotonia is uniting us all with one goal to end cancer! One goal cannot be achieved without..............US!!